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Defamation Law

We assist defamation clients throughout California and New York

The internet is an ever-evolving platform. Unfortunately, some bad actors can take advantage of the wide reach and relative anonymity of the internet to harm individuals and businesses alike. When false information is published online, it can have wide reaching and financially damaging consequences for its victims. At the Moher Law Group, we are experienced at handling such situations and obtaining justice, and financial damages, for our clients. 

Whether you are a business or an individual, your online reputation is extremely important. Google and other online searches are often the first step in consumers decisions of whether to hire a business, or whether to trust an individual. When negative and untrue content shows up in your search results, this content can spread rapidly, can appear on other search results, and can do extraordinary damage. Search engines and online services such as Yelp and Google Reviews frequently are unable to adequately respond to these threats, and may not agree to remove the reviews without legal action.

Our firm has successfully resolved a wide variety of online defamation scenarios, and we are proud to represent wrongfully defamed clients by quickly and aggressively responding to false content. We can handle most defamation cases virtually, by Zoom/Facetime, phone, and/or email. We handle defamation cases throughout California and New York.

We offer free consultations and reasonable fees, and can work quickly on defamation cases due to the urgency of resolution in these matters. Contact us today for a free consultation and to discuss your situation, questions, and legal options.